Well, it has been quite a week. It began easily but then on Thursday my partner came home to find that our house had been broken into and many of our things taken. The usual were targetted, laptop, camera, TV, Cd's. Also taken were some precious pieces of jewellery, including nonsensical pieces like an old Country Women's Association badge and my little tarnished Brownie badge I had kept with me for so many years. Just last night I discovered the sweetlty comical brooch my jeweller brother had made for me of my dear puss was also gone. I felt angry and sorrowful for these last possessions, knowing the only value they held was what I attached to them and that they would be so easily thrown away by those who took them. I chose this image of this incredibly beautiful piece by Rosalie Gascoigne for a different reasons (including that three months of digital photo folders have been lost). Rosalie was a woman who saw value in everything, old floor boards, road signs, broken dolls, and this wonderful lino. She was a collector, collecting what was already disregarded and discarded by others. This is something that really struck me about the robbery, that there are some who can not understand the value of things, possessions or otherwise, and this struck my as particularly unfortunate when it came to the loss of my little cat brooch and Brownie badge. On the upside I spoke with my brother and he said that he will happily make me another brooch straight away - so sweet x. This week I think I will try to blog a bit more and in the absence of my own photographs I will find some more treasures made by the beautiful minds and hands of others.
P.S. The title of this post came about because my little one couldn't quite manage the word Robbers which kept us all smiling.
I am really sorry to hear this Julie what losers. It urks me they took things that could have no value to them. mmm
Your Rosalie photo makes me get teary too it is so gorgeous. She found art really late in her life didnt she? What an inspiration...
Hope your next week is better x
oh no! sorry to hear of your misfortune.
Dearest Julie, I hope that lots of wonderful experiences and new memories come your way to replace those you have lost - Luckily you can always remember the story behind them in your heart - no one can take that away from you ever.
Much love,
Chrissy xx
I'm so sorry. How terrible.
I'm really sorry to hear that - all your beautiful photos!
Thank you for the Rosalie picture - when we ripped up the vinyl in our kitchen there was a tiny piece of lino similar to that pattern nailed to the floor. It was lovely to find such a treasure.
Oh Julie that is just TERRIBLE!!!! What senseless destruction of a peaceful environment!!! Hope you are all feeling well and safe now!!
What an awful thing to happen Julie. I love the way you have thought about how much you appereciate the little personal items and have a philosophical view about it all.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Life gives tart lessons in impermanence, I feel. I've had them as well.
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