Tuesday, November 2, 2010

rosie's walk and more

drawings from Rosie's Walk and The Surprise Party by Pat Hutchins
thanks to Saturdays school fair we now have a new box of raggedy and damp smelling children's books (not complaining, promise) to sort through. Do you remember Puffin picture books in your school library? Well, it looks like many in the box are of that vintage. Some gems include Rosie's Walk and The Surprise Party by Pat Hutchins which gave my little one and I the giggles. I love her drawing and the colours she uses. For more of her illustrations look here.


Kate Moore said...

The illustrations are fabulous. The naive style for the trees is great and that fox. So daper.

Bec said...

Hi Julie, Rosies walk lives in my Teaching bag as a favourite for many reasons, particularly language development. Great score with that one. Another favourite of ours is Window by Jeannie Baker, beautiful collage work in the pictures and after 10 years of looking at it with my own children we still find things in the pictures that we hadn't seen before!

Amy Prior said...

I love this book so much! So decorative it makes my arm twitch to start drawing!!! x hoping you and the family are well

monkeemoomoo said...

Love, love, love! Lucky you, what a find. School fetes and church fetes are the best for these fabulous old books and usually cheap too!

I love those illustrations