Monday, October 17, 2011


Colours and details. A very Adelaide spring day with blue skies, bright sun and dry heat. I said goodbye to my lingering cold and shook of last weeks blues and headed into the city and gardens to make the most of my day off and the first day back at school. How pretty the city is at this time of year. The art gallery has had a bit of a change of furniture lately and has some  fresh Australian modernist paintings on display in the purple gallery. I just love these terrazzo stairs too.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

shine on

from flickr favourites and my photo set.
 1. scout, 2. window, 3. painting number - I've lost count now, 4. cutout1, 5. then..., 6. Untitled, 7. Untitled, 8. warmth, 9. boats
Sunshine and silver clouds. A weeks sniffles have left me and my photo taking mojo a little low. Oh well, it's just the way it blows sometimes.
P.S. that's our handsome puss Scout x.