Our old neighbourhood is an old neighbourhood and there are many well established frangipani trees in pink and yellow and a couple that are sunset orange. My girls came to know which ones flower early and late and which ones hold the most potent scent. Lemon trees are also plentiful and often growing near footpath fences, making it nice and easy to pick a few on your way home. A sweet little tin house has a row of them behind it's neat white picket fence. These lemons are nice and large and we all agreed were the smelliest and juiciest of them all. The new neighbourhood is a little thin on the frangipani (happily we have planted two of the best from the old neighbourhood here). Thankfully Lemons are in good supply. Over the summer I came across a little lot of land that was gifted to residents by the local council. It's a funny little lot that is neither playground or park. It doesn't even have a bench to rest on. What makes the lot a real find is the established lemon tree growing there with it's abundant ripening fruit. I have promised my little one lemon curd and lemon meringue. If anyone has any other ideas for lemons I would love to hear them.
I am slowly getting used to the light here in the new house. My little one with serious bed hair was entertained by her dancing shadow cast by the early autumn sun.